Another 1300 people connected to clean and safe water.
The Hawane project was approved for development by the MOSS Board in December of 2021 in the Hhohho Region, and commenced in early 2022. The project was designed to collect water from two mountain sources upstream of the village region and disperse the water to a significant number of community locations including schools, creches, gardens, churches and key residences. In total, the scheme will provide access to water for 1,340 people in Hawane.
In order to achieve this, two existing catchment areas in the high mountain region were upgraded and reinforced to cater to a larger dispersion system. This allowed for a gravity fed dispersion network, storage reservoirs and various standpipe locations to be installed throughout the community, providing access to clean and safe water.
As well as providing the local primary and high schools, crèches and churches with access to water, the project also connects a large number of homesteads to the system. This makes it one of the biggest projects MOSS Foundation has delivered, which also means very long distances need to be trenched.
New concrete pads were constructed in order to establish new storage reservoirs under the supervision of the MOSS Africa team. With so many water users, storage becomes a key component of the water schemes success.
The community in Hawane relies mostly on farming and informal employment, with the previous water supply located so far from the community, that donkeys were often used to ferry water for use. The alternate was the purchasing of water from a tanker delivery which put heavy financial strain on the residents.
The improved access across the community meets basic needs such as water for drinking, bathing, cooking and cleaning. The access to clean water also allows the community to grow food, feed animals and have the ability generate an income from selling surplus vegetables and livestock. Most importantly, this scheme supports keeping children in school and completing their education instead of spending time collecting dirty water.
The community in the region supported the delivery of the project on the ground, undertaking various laborious activities. These activities include surveying of new water pipelines, clearing of vegetation, building standpipe soak away pits as well as the digging, bedding and filling of the trenches for the new water lines. Hard work in a hard terrain proved no match for the Hawane community as they came together to lay the new water lines.
Due to the terrain and local disruptions, this project was finally completed for commissioning in October of 2022 and a formal handover ceremony was held with the local community. The Hawane Community Water Scheme is now in the capable hands of its local community, readily supplying clean water.
Thank you to all our supporters!