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Water Projects


Bosho Mafutha Rural Water Scheme

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

28 homesteads supplied with clean drinking water

The Bosho Project was approved for development by the MOSS Foundation Board in October of 2020 and included the supply of water to 28 homesteads in the rural area of Motshane, in the Hhohho region of Eswatini. This area has never had direct access to clean drinking water and instead relied on the purchase of tanker water to be delivered for drinking supply. This caused financial pressure both from the cost of clean water, but also the inability to farm the fertile soil in the region successfully.

A suitable water source was identified in the mountain region of Bosho, which could sustainably accommodate the existing homesteads as well as growth into the future without causing detriment of the local ecosystem. A MOSS designed sump and weir system collects the water from the stream and transfers it to the MOSS designed filtration plant. The water then flows down to a three tank storage area which allows for the water to be gravity fed into the Bosho community via 2 main water lines.

As always in the delivery of MOSS water projects, the local community assisted with the construction of the assets and water pipelines to ensure they are familiar with the system and can support its maintenance into the future. The community banded together to make short work of the trenching allowing for the project's success, despite the challenges being faced locally by the global Covid 19 pandemic.

The various components of the water scheme were then fenced off to prevent damage and access by animals and also to allow for revegetation. The upstream water catchment area was also assisted in recovery with re-grassing completed by the residents. In 5 short months, 28 homesteads were connected to clean and safe water allowing for basic water needs to be met as well as greatly improving the farming success on the lands surrounding the homesteads.

In April of 2021, MOSS Africa officially handed the Bosho water project to the local Mafutha Bosho community for its long term management and use. The local water inspectors below were very pleased with the before and after assessments of water.

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